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Information Security Management

Graduate level

This certificate is focusing on managing the critical area of information security within the organization. All students must take Information Security Management and select three from the remaining five courses.

Courses in this certificate include:

This course addresses the issues relating to successful information security management. Topics include access control systems, network and software security, management practices, risk management, protection mechanisms, business continuity planning, and legal and ethical issues. The course allows for analysis of current security management models.
This course presents an examination of effective security methodologies based on comprehensive assessment of threats and implementation of a layered system of physical and electronic protection. Threat identification, countermeasures, and prevention are explored.
This course provides an exploration of the human aspects of Cybersecurity. Topics include human behavior and interaction, motivation and influence, and social engineering. Emphasis on the human element of cyber incidents in relation to protecting information and technology assets.
This course provides an exploration of how organizations manage risks to information technology assets. Discussion includes the application of methodologies and models for managing such risks. Topics also include recognition of security threats and vulnerabilities and the analysis of associated risks. A systematic approach for acquiring and analyzing information to support decision-making in the protection of assets and the allocation of security resources is presented.
This course explores the concepts of governance and how it applies to information systems. Discussion includes the importance of compliance with laws, regulations, policies, and procedures as a means of minimizing risk through mandated security and control measures. Through this course, students also gain an understanding of Information Technology (IT) Auditing processes and principles.
This course provides the student with an opportunity to identify the processes associated with business continuity planning and disaster recovery. Business continuity topics such as project scope and planning, assessing risk, developing policy and procedures, conducting business impact analyses, recovery strategies, recovery plan development, and implementation are explored. Disaster recovery will be discussed in terms of recovery plan development, implementation, and restoration.

Recognizing Your Success

Learn how Certificates of Completion can lead to advancement in your company while also earning you credit toward your degree.

Earn Credit Toward Your Degree

The courses in these certificates of completion all carry college credit with them, so they can be applied to your undergraduate or graduate degree.

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