Bachelor's Degrees

Take Advantage of Military-Preferred Pricing on These Accelerated Degrees

Select from more than 25 career-relevant bachelor's degrees that build your success in three ways:

  • Professional Networking
    When you enroll, you join a group of motivated adult learners like you; people on the same degree track who go through the major course-by-course with you. You share experiences and perspectives with them — and you form professional bonds.
  • Success Prep
    The foundation of these degrees is a course that gives you essential skills for academic and professional success.
  • Career Growth
    Whether you've made the military your career or you're looking ahead to transitioning, these degrees support your career growth because they are designed with input from industry leaders.

Start With the College Credits You Already Have

Bellevue University has reviewed most military training for college credit, so chances are if you are an active-duty service member or a Veteran, you already have credits you can apply to your degree. Get started with a free evaluation of your military credits. Your Military Admissions Manager will map your path to degree completion. Then select from one of the accelerated cohort programs listed on the left. They are structured to help keep you on your path and complete your degree quickly.

* Acceptance of transfer credits is always subject to official transfer credit evaluation by Bellevue University

Take Advantage of Military-Preferred Tuition

The degrees listed on this page qualify for Bellevue University's affordable military-preferred pricing of $250 per credit hour. Available to Keesler AFB military personnel (Active, Reserve, or Guard).

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Looking for more?

Bellevue University offers more than 50 career-relevant bachelor's degrees.

Contact Larry Thorpe, your Military Admissions Manager on-base, to help you find the one that's right for you.

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